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Membre de ClickFR, Reseau francophone Paie-Par-Clic
/ Chronologie
Au fil de l'histoire
Quelques dates, notices de personnages et faits marquants.
Ed Stephan's Timeline of Sociology
Providing information on prominent personalities and ideas in the development of sociology.
Dates historiques
Evénements et personnalités.
General Chronology of Events
From the Leading Edge Research Group.
Great Expeditions : Geographical Timeline
From the University of Texas at Austin.
Greenwich 2000: Millennium Timeline
Historical timelines from the beginning of the second millennium to present.
Histoire de France
Des origines (préhistoire, Gaule) jusqu'au Moyen-Age.
Histoire du monde
Du premier siècle à nos jours.
Histoire d'un jour
Chronologie par périodes.
History of Printing Timetable
From 3500 BCE Sumerian clay tablets to present day.
History of the World
Click the continent to get a chronology of that region's history.
Holocaust Timeline
Comprehensive chronology with text and photos.
3,000 years of world history in a collection of timelines.
India and Southern Asia Chronology
Islam Chronology